FrieslandCampina publishes its Annual Report 2024

CF Report is proud to have contributed to the realisation of Royal FrieslandCampina N.V.’s annual report.

Not only a year in which the globally operating dairy company regained its upward trend, but also a year in which the new strategy Doing DAIRY Right was integrated, and the year in which CSRD compliancy was realised.

FrieslandCampina is a shining example in integrated stakeholder approach, one of the pillars under CSRD. What did CF Report do? From our role as Reporting integrator, we advised on the CSRD integration. In addition, with clever craftsmanship, the report was given an appealing design, photography and storylining. Among other things, we guaranteed a highly distinctive value chain visualisation. In addition, we realised the video message with CEO Jan Derck van Karnebeek. A catchy statement summarising last year’s results in less than 4 minutes. In short: a remarkable publication that communicates performance, goals and impacts in a coherent, integrated and appealing way.
