WDP Annual Report 2023

Confident in what lies ahead

CF Report has been WDP’s reporting partner since 2021. we have taken steps in recent years in the reporting framework in which value creation, and prepared for expectations and requirements around green financing and ESG frameworks.

But what do you expect from an annual report of a leading real estate developer in warehouses?

  • Compliant with laws and regulations, in line with hashtag#CSRD guidelines and targets?
  • A thorough and transparent property report that should build trust with investors and financiers?
  • Clear overview of strategic objectives in light of value creation for all stakeholders?
  • An understanding of the dilemmas of changing financial markets, land scarcity, climate adaptation and biodiversity. Yes, …

… But why? Because WDP operates at the heart of the supply chain in a challenging context of varying societal expectations, but on which we depend every day. Because all our goods, products and online orders pass through WDP’s warehouses.

CF Report is proud to have realised a next step in reporting. With journalistic boardroom interviews, cartographic overviews and cool design and strategic visuals. From our role, we integrated commitments and expectations into a Reporting Storyline based on WDP’s DNA.

With enthusiasm, knowledge and experience, we realised the annual report within Sturnis tooling in three languages, including a reporting website.

Want to know more about Integrated reporting for real estate and property developers? Mail or call us and we will be happy to discuss!

Happy to
meet you!